YiviTube is the privacy-friendly video-streaming service

About YiviTube

This demo is not a real video-streaming service but it does demonstrate several aspects of Yivi. When you become YiviTube “member” you receive a membership card in your Yivi app. Subsequently, you can use the data on this card to watch (trailers of) movies on the YiviTube main page.

In particular, the YiviTube demo illustrates the following.

  • Upon becoming member of YiviTube you receive two pieces of data in your card: one which simply proves that you are a member, and one which contains a personal membership number. When you wish to watch a movie, only your membership is requested, not the membership number that identifies you: you only prove that you are a member, not who you are.

    In a more elaborate and realistic scenario you may want to reveal your membership number too in case you want a movie to be added to your personal profile (built-up by the video service). That is not included in the current version of the YiviTube demo.

  • Some of the movies on YiviTube have an age limit. When you wish to watch those movies, you have to reveal not only your YiviTube membership, but also your age limit data. (Cards for such data can be obtained from the municipality.)